Wednesday, July 31, 2024

PURGE LET'S SURGE 2024 Comrade Isaac Mapis Jonathan Marawes for Chairman, Plateau Youth Council (PYC)


Comrade Isaac Mapis Jonathan Marawes for Chairman, Plateau Youth Council (PYC)

My name is Comrade Isaac Mapis Jonathan Marawes, and today, I stand before you with great enthusiasm and a deep sense of responsibility to announce my candidacy for the position of Chairman of the Plateau Youth Council (PYC). This decision is not one I have taken lightly but comes after extensive reflection on my experiences, aspirations, and the urgent needs of our vibrant youth community.

A Diverse and Rich Background

Over the years, I have amassed a wealth of experience across multiple sectors, each contributing uniquely to my understanding of what our youth require and how best to serve them. My journey has taken me through academics, where I honed my analytical skills and commitment to continuous learning. In the entertainment industry, I discovered the power of creativity and the importance of cultural expression in shaping a progressive society. My ventures into business have equipped me with the acumen to manage resources effectively and innovate for growth.

In politics, I have learned the intricacies of governance and the importance of policies that genuinely serve the people. My involvement in sports has underscored the values of teamwork, discipline, and perseverance. Through agriculture, I have gained insights into sustainable practices that can drive both economic and social development. Most importantly, my consistent engagement in youth development activities has provided me with a grassroots understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by young people today.

Vision for a Digital Ecosystem

At the heart of my campaign is a passionate commitment to creating a robust digital ecosystem. In this rapidly evolving digital age, our youth must be equipped with the tools, skills, and opportunities to thrive. I envision a Plateau where every young person has access to digital education, entrepreneurial opportunities online, and platforms to showcase their talents globally. This digital transformation is not just about technology; it’s about providing our youth with the means to shape their own futures, to innovate, and to compete on a global stage.

We will work to establish training centers focused on digital skills such as coding, digital marketing, and data analysis. Partnerships with tech companies and educational institutions will be crucial in this endeavor, ensuring our programs are cutting-edge and relevant. Furthermore, we will advocate for policies that support digital infrastructure development, making internet access more affordable and widespread across all regions of Plateau.

Unity Beyond Divisions

One of the core tenets of my campaign is the belief that unity is essential for progress. Our society is rich in diversity, yet too often we see divisions based on tribal and ethnic lines. These divisions hinder our collective potential. As Chairman of the Plateau Youth Council, I will strive to foster an environment where unity is paramount. We will create forums for dialogue, promote intercultural exchanges, and celebrate our diverse heritage while focusing on our common goals.

Programs that encourage collaboration among different communities will be a priority. We will launch initiatives that bring young people together through sports, arts, and community service projects. By working side by side, we can build trust and understanding, breaking down the barriers that divide us.

Achieving Goals Through Dedication and Teamwork

Achieving the ambitious goals set out in this manifesto requires more than just good intentions; it demands dedication, a strong team, and unwavering commitment. I believe in the power of a united and motivated team. I will surround myself with individuals who share this vision and are equally committed to the cause. Together, we will strategize, plan, and implement projects that have tangible impacts.

Our approach will be inclusive, drawing on the strengths of our diverse youth population. We will establish committees focusing on various sectors such as education, entrepreneurship, health, and the arts. These committees will consist of young leaders and experts who will bring their knowledge and passion to the table. Through regular consultations and feedback mechanisms, we will ensure that the voice of every youth is heard and considered in our decision-making processes.

A New Era for the Plateau Youth Council

I stand for a new era in the Plateau Youth Council—one that is characterized by innovation, inclusivity, and transformation. This new era will be marked by policies and initiatives that are not only forward-thinking but also rooted in the real needs and aspirations of our youth. We will prioritize mental health and well-being, recognizing the pressures faced by young people today and providing the support they need to thrive.

Education will be a cornerstone of our agenda. We will advocate for improved educational facilities, better training for teachers, and curricula that are aligned with the demands of the modern world. Vocational training and entrepreneurship programs will be expanded to provide alternative pathways for success, ensuring that every young person has the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Health and wellness will also be a major focus. Access to healthcare services, education on healthy lifestyles, and support systems for those struggling with addiction or mental health issues will be strengthened. Sports and recreational facilities will be improved, encouraging physical activity and community engagement.

Invitation to Join the Evolution

This manifesto is not just a declaration of my candidacy; it is an invitation to every young person in Plateau to join me in this evolution. The changes we seek cannot be achieved by one person alone. They require the collective effort, creativity, and determination of all of us. I urge you to stand with me, to contribute your ideas, your energy, and your passion.

Together, we will embark on this journey of transformation. With faith in God and confidence in our shared vision, we can make a profound difference. Let us rise above our challenges, harness our collective potential, and create a future where every young person in Plateau has the opportunity to succeed and thrive.


Our campaign slogan, "PURGE LET'S SURGE," encapsulates this vision. It signifies the need to purge the obstacles that hinder our progress—be they outdated practices, divisions, or lack of opportunities—and to surge forward with renewed vigor and determination. It is a call to action, a rallying cry for all youth to come together and drive the change we wish to see.

As we move forward, let us remember that our strength lies in our unity, our diversity, and our shared commitment to a better future. I am Jonathan Marawes, and with your support, I am ready to lead the Plateau Youth Council into this new era of progress and unity. Let’s make it happen. PURGE LET'S SURGE!

About Comrade Isaac Mapis Jonathan Marawes

Comrade Isaac Mapis Mapis Jonathan Marawes was born on September 4, 1980, to the family of Mr. Mataru Jonathan Marawes in Dares village, Butura District, Bokkos LGA. His life has been a testament to perseverance, dedication, and unwavering faith in God, driving him to pursue academic excellence despite numerous challenges.

Isaac's educational journey began with obtaining his First School Leaving Certificate in 1995, followed by the West African School Certificate Examination in 2000. Determined to build a strong foundation, he earned a Diploma in Law in 2001, a Diploma in Business Administration & Management in 2004, a Diploma in Public Administration in 2009, and a Higher National Diploma in 2013. His academic pursuits culminated in a Bachelor of Science in Political Science and Administration in 2015. With trust in God, Isaac believes that his educational journey is far from over, and more achievements are yet to come.

In his political journey, Isaac has been committed to better governance for his dear Plateau State. Since 2018, he has served as a member of the Research, Documentation, and Strategy team in the People's Democratic Party (PDP). Through their collective efforts, they have achieved significant victories, contributing to the growth and development of Plateau State. His role in this team has been both challenging and rewarding, reaffirming his belief that with God's guidance, great things can be achieved.

He is blessed with a loving wife and two beautiful children who share in the heritage of Christ. 

Driven by a vision and mission that he believes are divinely inspired, Jonathan moves in tune with God. He envisions Plateau State as a land of dreams, where unity transcends tribal and ethnic differences, fostering steadfastness and love among its people. This vision of coexistence and unity is what Jonathan strives to achieve for Plateau via the Plateau State Youth Council, ensuring a brighter and more prosperous future for the youths.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Re: Protest on End Bad Governance in Nigeria


The President, Bola Ahmed Tinubu (GCFR), HE Bar Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang (the executive Governor of Plateau State), speaker Rt Hon Gabriel Dewan and members of state house of Assembly, our esteemed Plateau Progressive Movement (PPM) members, all security outfits, distinguished members of the press, ladies and gentlemen.

The attention of the Plateau Progressive Movement has been drawn to the intended plan of a nationwide protest tagged "End Bad Governance in Nigeria," hence this press release. We feel and share with the pain that Nigerians are going through at this particular trying moment of our nation building. It is a fact that most of the challenges currently being faced originated before the advent of this Government. Also, it is a fact that some economic decisions taken with the coming of this administration were harsh and negatively impacted the livelihood of Nigerians.

However, PPM and the entire plateau citizens appreciate the deliberate efforts put in place by HE Bar Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang's administration with the mantra "the time is now," in delivering the dividends of democracy. Sincerely, within one year in office, our dogged and passionate Governor has demonstrated capacity in reshaping the lives of plateau citizens through:

- Agricultural rejuvenation

- Security improvement

- Infrastructural improvement

- Social amenities

- Healthcare

- Education, among others

We are also aware of the tremendous efforts by this Government of Bar Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang and the President Bola Ahmed Tinubu in:

1) Tackling insecurity, and we cannot gamble by reverting to the dark days experienced in the state.

2) The government had already made robust arrangements to improve agriculture with farm input and fertilizer to avert hunger in the state.

3) Palliatives were distributed and more are on the ground with the release of 20 trucks of grains to states.

4) Provisions and approval for a loan scheme for Nigerian students.

5) A new national minimum/living wage for Nigerian workers with a three-year review framework, among other several grants approved by this administration. 

We in Plateau Progressive Movement (PPM) hereby appeal and declare thus that having analyzed this current Government both at state and federal levels, considering the level of insecurity and the past antecedents of past protests in Nigeria, we do hereby add a voice to say "no to 1 August 2024 protest in Plateau State."

We admonish all our members from all the 17 local government to shun the protest, as it's not in the best interest of Plateau state and Nigeria. We call on other similar bodies and movements to join in adding a voice to discourage and turn to a genuine and more robust discussion with the Nigerian state since their doors are accessible.

Long live federal Republic of Nigeria!

Long live Plateau State!!

Long live Plateau Progressive Movement!!!


Comr Caleb Adang (Secretary)


Hon Nathaniel D Kyak (Chairman)


Tuesday, July 9, 2024



Last week, the Plateau Youth Council (PYC) constituted the Electoral Committee which is responsible for conducting the next elections, increasing youth activities for the upcoming elections.

In the spirit of wisdom and tradition of the PYC, the larger house has zoned offices to Local Government Areas, micro-zoning it for equity, justice, fairness, brotherhood, and togetherness.

This progressive and highly sustained tradition has kept Plateau Youths together for many years in peace, unity, and harmony. All well-meaning Plateau Youths must resist any attempts by selfish individuals to sow discord among them, ensuring a United Plateau with less or without acrimony in the future.

In the last PYC elections, the Chairmanship position was zoned to the Northern Zone and micro-zoned to Bassa LGA. All contestants who went against the progressive zoning lost the elections.

All offices that were in the Northern Zone have moved to the Central Zone and the Central Zone to the Southern Zone, in the best interest of justice, fairness, equity, love, and mutual respect and inclusiveness for all the Plateau Youths.

Bokkos LGA in the Central Zone has not produced a PYC Chairman, and the time is now for them to select one from their numerous highly competent aspirants.

The tradition is being threatened by our dear brothers and sisters; the Mwaghavul Youths, who have the Governor, Senator, and the House of Representative Members but are still pushing hard for the position of the Chairmanship. Bokkos Youths are watching closely.

Four out of the five Local Government Areas in the Central Zone have had PYC Chairmen which Bokkos should be the next in the interest of the democratic principle of equitable distribution of power which we have all enjoyed over the years.

The Governor has promised that everyone will be carried along due to the ungodly arrangement threatening the peaceful and fair the tradition of electing leaders in the PYC.

Arguments by mischief-makers are countered by historical appointments and zoning strategies. The primary argument remains that unity, peace, and harmony should be considered.

God bless the Plateau Youth Council!

God bless Plateau State!!

God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria!!!

Facts are stubborn things.


Mr, Tola Christopher 

Chairman Bokkos Youths Progressive forum 

Hon. Bashir Lawandi Datti

Commissioner for Youths and Sports Development, 

Plateau State.

Hon. Letep Dabang

Special Adviser to the Governor on Political Affairs.

Hon. Joshua Hitler Pwajok

Special Adviser to the Governor on

Youth Mobilization and Engagement.

Mr. Jerry Satmark, (COS)

Chief of Staff to the Plateau State Governor

Sunday, July 7, 2024


 7TH JULY, 2024.

On this historic day, the esteemed elders, stakeholders, LGA exco, Federal ward Chairmen, Former Councilors, serving supervisory councilors, The caretaker committee secretary to the Transition implementation committee of Bokkos Local Government, Honorable Linda Kwarbak, Former chairman  Riyom LGA Hon Sanda matawal gathered alongside the hierarchy leaders appointed under the visionary leadership of Barrister Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang's administration. The meeting also saw the presence of all sons and daughters of Ron Murwi nation, united in their pursuit of progress.

After a thorough deliberations, the collective voice of Ron Murwi nation resonated loud and clear, affirming their unwavering support for the status quo. The meeting culminated in a resounding endorsement of the current LGA EXCO, with Honorable Jeremiah Fwangkyes, the capable caretaker committee chairman, receiving a unanimous nod for a second term in office.

The gathering marked a significant milestone in the history of Ron Murwi  nation, the all gather  together, putting aside differences, to forge a united front. The decision to maintain the status quo is a testament to the trust and confidence reposed in the current leadership, recognizing their dedication and tireless efforts in driving progress.


As the dust settles on this momentous day, the people of Murwi nation emerge stronger, more united and determined than ever. Their collective voice thunders loud and clear, leaving no doubt that they stand firmly behind their leadership and their shared vision for a brighter future.

In the face of this overwhelming show of support, the current LGA EXCO,  by Honorable Jeremiah Fwangkyes, is poised to continue their excellent work, bolstered by the knowledge that their efforts have earned the trust and appreciation of their people.

As the journey ahead unfolds, Murwi nation marches forward, unencumbered by doubts and divisions, their hearts filled with hope and their spirits lifted by the knowledge that they are united in purpose and resolve. May this moment of triumph be etched in the annals of history, a shining testament to the power of unity and the indomitable spirit of Murwi nation. 

Ron Murwi nation PDP like minds

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


 JULY 3RD, 2024

At  the instance of Kop Mandarken community Bokkos Local Government, the Nigerian Army boss Lieutenant General Taoreed Lagbaja leading other officers presented a Peace Award to the Transition Implementation Committee Chairman Bokkos Local Government Hon. Chief Monday M Kassah for his cooperation with the Nigerian army towards bringing normalcy and stability in the local government area.

In a colourful event that saw a Peace and Unity Tournament as well as the commissioning of a motorised borehole courtesy of the Nigerian army as part of its corporate social responsibility, the army chief eulogised the distinct, visionary and charismatic leadership qualities of the Transition Implementation Committee Chairman with the charge that others take a leave from him.

You could recall however that, the Plateau State Police Commissioner CP Hassan Steve Yabanet had some weeks ago issued a similar award to Hon Chief Monday Kassah a clear testament of excellence and accomplishment.

Responding, Hon Monday M Kassah while appreciating the award given to him, recognised and appreciated the role of the Nigerian Army through turbulent moment that engulfed the local government area with the promise that the gesture would spur him to do more. He further appreciated the host community, Kop Mandarken and the entire people of the local government area for their resilience, patience and cooperation with the government and security personnel throughout the challenging moments and prayed for the return of lasting peace and prosperity in the local government.

The leadership of Kop Mandarken community through their representative appreciated the Nigerian Army for their efforts towards ensuring the safety of lives and properties as well as the water project sited in the area.

The chairman had earlier at Living Faith Church Bokkos bid farewell to a deceased staff of the Local Government Late Mr Joshua Siman Mafuyai. The chairman while speaking on the inevitability of death and the immortality of man, consoled with the immediate family of the deceased as well as his friends and colleagues and prayed that the Lord grant him eternal rest.

Monday Kassah Information and Publicity Team.