Thursday, September 5, 2024



By Panle Samuel PSP  

5th September, 2024  

Dear Mr. President,

I am compelled to write this letter to convey my profound dissatisfaction and protest regarding the recent fuel price hike from 617 to 897. The decision to increase the cost of fuel has sparked widespread hardship, leaving the majority of Nigerian citizens reeling under its impact. The ripple effect of this price surge has been immediate and severe, manifesting in escalated transportation costs, inflated food prices, and an overall increase in living expenses. Many people now find it increasingly difficult to afford the basics required for survival.

The fuel price increase has disproportionately affected the poor and middle class—those who are already bearing the brunt of economic hardship. These citizens, struggling to maintain their daily existence, have been dealt a cruel blow with this decision. The timing and manner in which this burden was placed on their shoulders are not only unfair but also deeply inconsiderate, as it shows a lack of empathy for the struggles of everyday Nigerians.

It is particularly disheartening that this policy shift contradicts the promises made by your administration. You came into office with a commitment to uplift the lives of ordinary Nigerians, to reduce poverty, and to create economic opportunities. Instead, the current situation has exacerbated poverty and widened the gap between the wealthy elite and the masses. The suffering of the people has been overlooked, while policies seem to favor those in privileged positions.

The economic implications of this fuel price hike are far-reaching. Small businesses, which rely heavily on affordable transportation and energy, are now facing severe operational challenges. Many are at risk of shutting down, leading to further job losses and an increase in unemployment. These businesses form the backbone of our economy, and any threat to their sustainability undermines the broader economic growth we seek.

Additionally, this increase has put a strain on the transportation sector, particularly for commuters who depend on public transport. With transport fares skyrocketing, workers and students are now spending a significant portion of their income just to move from one place to another. This situation is simply unsustainable and is likely to push more Nigerians into extreme poverty if immediate corrective actions are not taken.

Beyond the economic consequences, the fuel price increase has raised serious concerns about the government's priorities. It sends a message that the welfare of the common man is secondary to the interests of a few powerful entities. This growing disconnect between government policies and the lived realities of the people fosters resentment and distrust.

As a concerned citizen, I implore you to reconsider this decision. I urge you to immediately take steps to reverse the fuel price hike and to explore alternative measures that will not inflict further pain on the masses. A more people-centered approach, focused on alleviating the economic pressures faced by everyday Nigerians, is necessary at this critical juncture.

Moreover, this is an opportunity for your administration to reflect on the root causes of our economic challenges. The fuel price increase is a symptom of deeper structural problems that require urgent attention. Addressing these underlying issues—such as inflation, unemployment, and inadequate infrastructure—must become a priority if we are to stabilize the economy and reduce poverty.

I also call on your government to engage with stakeholders in meaningful dialogue. Listening to the voices of ordinary Nigerians, as well as experts, would help craft policies that are both effective and sensitive to the needs of the people. Collaboration and consultation should be the cornerstone of your administration’s approach to governance, especially in matters that directly affect the livelihoods of millions.

Mr. President, the Nigerian people deserve leadership that is compassionate and responsive to their struggles. It is my hope that you will take this protest seriously and act swiftly to mitigate the suffering caused by the fuel price hike. Reversing this decision would demonstrate a genuine commitment to the welfare of the people and restore public confidence in your administration.

In conclusion, I trust that your administration will rise to this challenge and take the necessary steps to relieve the burden on Nigerian citizens. We need policies that uplift, not those that impose further hardship on an already struggling populace. I look forward to seeing decisive action in the days ahead.


Panle Samuel PSP

5th September, 2024

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